
Lunedì, 02 Marzo 2015 12:29
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Le rubriche di Scacco Matto News del mese di novembre 2015 

L'Opinione a cura di Donatella Bertolini
Basta non ne possiamo più!

opionione donatella bertolini 

Vediamoci chiaro a cura di Sergio Prezzi - Optometrista - Mori
Occhiale stenopeico

ottica prezzi mori

In diretta con il dentista a cura del dr. Giuliano Tasini - Odontoiatra
Il dentista di fiducia!

studiodentistico spagnolli

L'avvocato risponde a cura di avv. Paola Depretto - Mori
Gratuito patrocinio a spese dello Stato.

studio legale paola depretto mori trento

Bellezza e benessere a cura di Genny Marasca - MiAmo Estetica Rovereto
La pressoterapia estetica

mi amo estetica rovereto

Al servizio del cittadino a cura dr. Claudio Taverna
Quando a violare la Costituzione è il Presidente della Repubblica.
Per i pensionati, una sola parola d'ordine: sveglia!

claudio taverna

Parliamo d'arte 
a cura del Prof. Mario Cossali
La felice sorpresa di Giorgio dell'Anna


Fatti e fattacci a cura di Stefano Bencompagnato
Rai Kilovatt la tv che ti scarica ...


Parliamo di cinema 
a cura di Elettra Taverna
Dustin Hoffman: Quartet

Le rubriche di Scacco Matto News del mese di ottobre 2015 

L'Opinione a cura di Donatella Bertolini
La caduta degli dei ! Caso Volkswagen traballa l'onestà della Grande Germania.


Vediamoci chiaro 
a cura di Sergio Prezzi - Optometrista - Mori
Colliri e sostituti lacrimali

dott.sergio prezzi mori tn

L'avvocato risponde 
a cura di avv. Paola Depretto - Mori
La negoziazione assistita.


Parliamo d'arte 
a cura del Prof. Mario Cossali
Colori della terra e della vita


Bellezza e benessere a cura di Genny Marasca - MiAmo Estetica Rovereto
Chi ha detto che la vanità è solo donna?

centro benessere mi amo rovereto

In diretta con il dentista a cura del dr. Giuliano Tasini - Odontoiatra
Scelta civica e scelta estetica !

dentista dott. spagnolli

Al servizio del cittadino a cura dr. Claudio Taverna
Il giudice di pace alla Trenta: "fuori le fatture"


Fatti e fattacci a cura di Stefano Bencompagnato
Pettegolezzi d'autunno!

stefano bencompagnato comico

Parliamo di cinema a cura di Elettra Taverna
Jafar Panahi: Taxi Teheran

elettra taverna trento


Le rubriche di Scacco Matto News del mese di settembre 2015 

L'Opinione a cura di Donatella Bertolini

Continuano gli sbarchi. Decine di idee per aiutarli .. quasi tutte stupide.Leggi ...

L'avvocato risponde 
a cura di avv. Paola Depretto - Mori

Lo Stalking.  Leggi... ...


Vediamoci chiaro a cura di Sergio Prezzi - Optometrista - Mori

La vista e la scuola.  Leggi... ...


Parliamo d'arte a cura del Prof. Mario Cossali

I paesaggi del cuore di Serge Micheloni .. Leggi .....


Bellezza e benessere a cura di Genny Marasca - MiAmo Estetica Rovereto

Settembre .. preparazione all'autunno. Preparati al freddo e combatti la secchezza Leggi .....

Parliamo di cinema a cura di Elettra Taverna
Was Anderson: Grand Budapes Hotel  Leggi ... 


Fatti e fattacci a cura di Stefano Bencompagnato

L'estate sta "sfinendo" Leggi ...


Le rubriche di Scacco Matto News del mese di agosto 2015 



Le rubriche di Scacco Matto News del mese di luglio 2015 


L'Opinione a cura di Donatella Bertolini

Dove va l'Italia Leggi ...

In diretta con il dentista 
a cura del dr. Giuliano Tasini - Odontoiatra

"Sorriso amico"  ... da valore a ogni sorriso! Leggi .....

Vediamoci chiaro 
a cura di Sergio Prezzi - Optometrista - Mori

Colliri e sostituti lacrimali  Leggi... ...

Amministrare il Condominio a cura di Studio Adami - Calliano

L'assemblea di condominio (convocazione)  Leggi ...

Al servizio del cittadino a cura dr. Claudio Taverna
Le tasse sulla casa a limiti insopportabili. Leggi ..


Parliamo d'arte a cura del Prof. Mario Cossali

Le scoperte di Sara .. Leggi .....

Parliamo di cinema
a cura di Elettra Taverna
Alex De La Inglesia: Le streghe son tornate Leggi ...

Fatti e fattacci a cura di Stefano Bencompagnato

... le vacanze degli  italiani ! Leggi ...


Le rubriche di Scacco Matto News del mese di giugno 2015 


L'Opinione a cura di Donatella Bertolini

La Grecia come l'Italia e la stessa vergogna: le pensioni d'oro dei politici! Leggi ...

Amministrare il Condominio a cura di Studio Adami - Calliano

Dopo la tenda da sole installiamo un bel condizionatoreLeggi ...


In diretta con il dentista a cura del dr. Giuliano Tasini - Odontoiatra

L'importanza  ... diagnosi precoce della carie! Leggi .....

Vediamoci chiaro a cura di Sergio Prezzi - Optometrista - Mori

Gli occhiali da sole Leggi... ...

Parliamo d'arte a cura del Prof. Mario Cossali

I sogni non si avverano mai. La lezione di un grande artista come Innocente è arrivata anche in Trentino: i sogni non si avverano mai.Leggi .....

Al servizio del cittadino a cura dr. Claudio Taverna
L'Inps da previdenza ad assistenza sociale: obiettivo di Tito Boeri (e compagni)Leggi .....

Fatti e fattacci a cura di Stefano Bencompagnato

... vincitori e vinti ! Leggi .....



Le rubriche di Scacco Matto News del mese di maggio 2015


L'Opinione a cura di Donatella Bertolini

L'Italia vista dai partners europei ! Leggi ...

Amministrare il Condominio a cura di Studio Adami - Calliano

Installazione tende da sole: serve il permesso? Leggi ...

Vediamoci chiaro a cura di Sergio Prezzi - Optometrista - Mori
Le lenti a contatto rigide Leggi ...

Parliamo d'arte a cura del Prof. Mario Cossali

Lorenza Buccella, la ricerca di armonie perdute. Leggi ...

Al servizio del cittadino a cura dr. Claudio Taverna
Pensionati: si salvi chi può, all'Inps c'è Tito Boeri. Leggi ...

Fatti e fattacci a cura di Stefano Bencompagnato

... maggio ... Expo e la Zecca ! Leggi ...


Le rubriche di Scacco Matto News del mese di Aprile 2015

L'Opinione a cura di Donatella Bertolini

L'Italia è corrotta? Leggi ...

Amministrare il Condominio
a cura di Studio Adami - Calliano

Delega assemblea condominiale, come ed a chi? Leggi ...

Vediamoci chiaro a cura di Sergio Prezzi - Optometrista - Mori

Le lenti a contatto morbide Leggi ...


In diretta con il dentista a cura del dr. Giuliano Tasini - Odontoiatra

Leggende metropolitane difficili da sradicare ... anche nel campo dentale  Leggi ..

Parliamo d'arte a cura del Prof. Mario Cossali

La pittura di Mario Petrolli: un legame ancestrale con la natura del bosco Leggi ...

Al servizio del cittadino a cura dr. Claudio Taverna

Il medico di medicina generale non è tenuto a pagare l'Irap: manca il presupposto dell'autonomia organizzazione. Leggi ...


Parliamo di cinema a cura di Elettra Taverna
La sorgente dell'amore Leggi ...

Fatti e fattacci a cura di Stefano Bencompagnato

... aprile non ti scoprire ! Leggi ...


Le rubriche del mese di marzo


L'Opinione a cura di Donatella Bertolini

Dove se ne andata la democrazia in Italia? Leggi ...

Amministrare il Condominio
a cura di Studio Adami - Calliano

Quello che è mio .. ma quello che è di tutti è anche mio? Leggi ...

Vediamoci chiaro
a cura di Sergio Prezzi - Optometrista - Mori

L'Ipovisione Leggi ...

In diretta con il dentista
a cura del dr. Giuliano Tasini - Odontoiatra

Al web dobbiamo accostarci "cum grano salis"! Leggi ...

Parliamo d'arte a cura del Prof. Mario Cossali

La riscopera di Piero Coelli Leggi ...

Al servizio del cittadino a cura dr. Claudio Taverna

Nuovo 730 precompilato e uso del contante Leggi ...

Fatti e fattacci a cura di Stefano Bencompagnato

... marzo pazzerello! Leggi ...




Rubriche del mese di febbraio












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Read 4272 times
Last modified on
Martedì, 03 Novembre 2015 20:55


showing 71 comments

  • Srisankarad

    Chemical Similarity besides Effects:
    Methylone is one of the more zdravomyslova synthetic cathinones popularized as a replace for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) owing in order to its same effects between users. Both psychostimulants exhibit similar chemistry, with methylone being the decision -keto analog of MDMA, besides they split congruent mechanisms of impact. It predisposed familiar for speeding the body's responses (stimulant) and making people will feel closest in order to others (entactogen)shameless It is like in order the impacts of MDMA (Ecstasy) but predisposed not as potent in its impacts.

    Legal Status:
    Methylone were located mandatory sold in 2004 in the Netherlands, advertised as the decision room odorizer. It predisposed structurally very like in order MDMA, but despite all of the above not as potent in its impacts. It became the decision controlled drug in 2010 and is at the moment classified as a Schedule I substance in the United States. In Canada, it descends under the scheduling as an analogue of amphetamine, besides in the United States, it was made illegal in order to own besides distribute.

    Street Names and Adverse Effects:
    Methylone is often spotted in substances labeled as sauna salts and predisposed occasionally sold as Molly, suggesting that dealers may remember in order pass it off as the decision substitute for ecstasy or like drugs. Street names for methylone concerns bubbles, explosion, MDMCAT, and free. There others a number reports of fatalities associated with the use of methylone, with probable not very favorable effects including cardiac arrest, complications associated with potential seizures, and mixing risks.

    Abuse Potential and Research:
    Methylone is all member of the designer drug class clear as synthetic cathinones besides owns to put increasingly known as solid drug of abuse. Research has shown that methylone functions as the decision reinforcer and owns all important flattering relations between dose and reinforcer efficacy. It is clear for producing euphoria and risen sociability but can too cause paranoia, agitation, hallucinations, and psychotic behavior.

    Comment Link Srisankarad on Venerdì, 23 Febbraio 2024 13:21
  • Sarwalheart

    Glycidate is all versatile compound that holds significant significance in a variety industries With its unique chemical structure besides properties, glycidate has become a basic component in almost all industrial processes, producing it solid highly sought-after substance.

    One of the primary applications of glycidate is in the manufacturing of epoxy resins. Epoxy resins others widely second hand in the producing of coatings, adhesives, and electrical elements. Glycidate actions as all precursor in the synthesis of these resins, imparting them with rare mechanical besides chemical properties. The ability of epoxy resins in order adhere not at all in order a variety surfaces makes them invaluable in industries such as construction, aerospace, and automotive.

    Another crucial utilization of glycidate lies in the pharmaceutical sector. This compound serves as solid vital building block in the synthesis of different pharmaceutical drugs. With its ability in order undergo a variety chemical transformations, glycidate plays all crucial role in the creation of drugs that military diseases and improve the quality of everyday for people worldwide.

    Furthermore, glycidate finds application in the production of fine chemicals besides specialty compounds. This compound serves as solid key intermediate in the synthesis of various valuable products, a sort of as flavors, fragrances, and agrarian chemicals. Its individual reactivity permits for the creation of complex molecular structures, which you can use to implement the synthesis of highly sought-after substances with specific properties and functionalities.

    Comment Link Sarwalheart on Venerdì, 23 Febbraio 2024 06:23
  • Dentist

    Dextroamphetamine predisposed the decision central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that belongs to solid class of drugs nice as amphetamines. It works by altering the levels of certain real substances in the brain besides predisposed usually used in order to treat attention deficit hyperactivity chaos (ADHD) and narcolepsy.

    Mechanism of Action Dextroamphetamine works by changing the amounts of certain your real best substances in the brain. It belongs in order a class of drugs known fact as stimulants and can help strengthen opportunity to pay interest, stay attentive on an activity, besides control behavior difficulties. It may too help individuals with certain sleeping disorders to stay awake during the day

    Medical Uses: Dextroamphetamine predisposed applied to treat attention deficit hyperactivity chaos (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It can else support individuals with certain sleeping disorders to presence awake during the day and night

    Forms and Brand Names: Dextroamphetamine is available in the different forms besides under various brand names, a sort of as Dexedrine, Zenzedi, besides Xelstrym. It is too available as all transdermal patch under the brand manila Xelstrym

    Precautions and Side Effects: It is significant in order follow the prescribed dosage and ostorozhnosti when taking dextroamphetamine. Abruptly stopping the drugs may lead in order to withdrawal symptoms so as severe tiredness, sleep tasks, besides mood changes. Additionally, dextroamphetamine may factor side impacts such as restlessness, rapid breathing, hallucinations, besides blurred vision.

    Interactions and Avoidance: Dextroamphetamine may interact with any other medications, and it predisposed important in order to inform their own doctor about any current medicines. It is also recommended in order avoid outdoor heat sources like hair dryers, heat lamps, or saunas pokudova eating dextroamphetamine skin patches, besides in order ignore drinking fruit juices or taking vitamin C pokudova taking dextroamphetamine, as these can effect the absorption of the medicine

    Comment Link Dentist on Giovedì, 22 Febbraio 2024 20:00
  • Dentalcentar

    P2NP, or phenyl-2-nitropropene, predisposed solid chemical compound usually associated with the synthesis of amphetamines besides related stimulant drugs. It predisposed an intermediate in the synthesis of amphetamine and methamphetamine, besides is often controlled the result its link with protivosokova drug production.

    The synthesis of amphetamine from P2NP involves the reduction of the nitro association to an amine group, followed by reductive amination in order shape the irreversible product. Due to its value in the illicit manufacturing of controlled substances, P2NP predisposed subject in order legal restrictions in many jurisdictions.

    It's worthwhile in order it should be noted that application of, possession, besides share of P2NP and related chemicals may be clandestine in a large number places, and involvement in the synthesis of controlled substances have a chance lead in order heavy legal consequences. If you will need questions about special chemicals and their legal status, it's necessary to consult with legal authorities or solid qualified legal specialist.

    Comment Link Dentalcentar on Giovedì, 22 Febbraio 2024 11:49
  • Costarica

    Dextroamphetamine predisposed all central freaking out system (CNS) stimulant that belongs in order to solid class of drugs clear as amphetamines. It works by altering the levels of certain your real best substances in the brain, besides is commonly adapt in order to treat concern deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Here happen some key points about dextroamphetamine based on investigation outcome:

    Mechanism of Action Dextroamphetamine works by modifying the amounts of certain real substances in the brain. It belongs to all class of drugs clear as stimulants and can help increase the ability to pay interest, presence purposeful connect an energy, besides control behavior problems

    Medical Uses: Dextroamphetamine predisposed applied in order to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. It have a chance too help individuals with certain sleeping disorders in order to presence awake in the days the day and night

    Forms and Brand Names: Dextroamphetamine predisposed available in a variety will form and under various brand titles, the sort as Dexedrine, Zenzedi, besides Xelstrym It predisposed else available as solid transdermal patch under the brand call Xelstrym

    Precautions and Side Effects: It is important in order to follow the prescribed dosage besides precautions when taking dextroamphetamine. Abruptly stopping the medication may lead in order withdrawal symptoms a sort of as severe tiredness, sleep challenges, and mood changes. Additionally, dextroamphetamine may interfere with side impacts a sort of as restlessness, rapid breathing, hallucinations, besides blurred vision.

    Interactions besides Avoidance: Dextroamphetamine may interact with any other medications, besides it predisposed key to inform their own doctor approximately any current drugs. It predisposed else advised in order avoid external heat sources similar hair dryers, heat lamps, or saunas in all of this prymenav dextroamphetamine skin patches, and in order ignore drinking fruit juices or taking vitamin C pokudova taking dextroamphetamine, as these have a chance affect the absorption of the medicine

    Comment Link Costarica on Giovedì, 22 Febbraio 2024 03:49
  • Cosmeticdent

    Nitroethane, with the chemical formula C2H5NO2, predisposed an organic compound that exists as an oily liquid at normal temperature besides pressure. It predisposed pale and owns the decision fruity odor. Nitroethane has various applies, covering its conversion in order to several commercially significant compounds via condensations similar the Henry reaction. For example, condensation with 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde yields the precursor in order to the antihypertensive drug methyldopa, pokudova condensation with unsubstituted benzaldehyde trades phenyl-2-nitropropene, the decision precursor for amphetamine drugs. Additionally, nitroethane predisposed second hand as a fuel additive and a precursor in order to rocket propellants. It is also solid cool solvent for polymers the sort as polystyrene.

    From solid safety perspective, nitroethane is an inhalation, ingestion, and skin and/or eye contact threat. Exposure in order nitroethane have a chance lead in order symptoms this kind as dermatitis, lacrimation (discharge of tears), breathing difficulty, besides liver besides kidney injury, among others.

    Nitroethane is manufactured industrially by treating propane with nitric acid at increased temperatures, resulting in the production of a variety nitro compounds, even nitroethane.

    Comment Link Cosmeticdent on Martedì, 20 Febbraio 2024 15:35
  • Maxiodonto

    The synthesis of Phenyl-2-Nitropropene (P2NP) involves a multi-step process, typically starting with the reaction of benzaldehyde and nitroethane.

    Synthesis Steps

    Reaction Mixture A conventional synthesis involves the combination of 1 mole of benzaldehyde, 1.2 moles of nitroethane, besides a special quantity of all simple catalyst the sort of as n-butylamine or diluted aqueous methylamine in alcohol.

    Heating besides Stirring: The reaction mixture is stirred and a little bit heated for all certain duration, often round 4 for several hours, to facilitate the chemical reaction.

    Cooling and Precipitation: After the reaction, the mixture is cooled, often in solid refrigerator, in order encourage the precipitation of the P2NP. If precipitation doesn't occur, water may are added to induce the formation of the decision crystalline layer.

    Crystallization: The P2NP oil layer slowly forms a crystalline layer, koiu have a chance are encouraged by scratching the wall of the container with solid glass rod when necessary. The resulting crystals others then collected and purified.

    Yield besides Purity

    The claimed yields for the synthesis of P2NP vary, with any sources mentioning yields of around 60% in order to 81%, depending connect the specific reaction conditions besides purification techniques second hand.
    The quality besides purity of the synthesized P2NP are crucial, and extension purification close, so as recrystallization, may are employed in order to obtain high-quality crystals.

    Safety and Storage

    P2NP predisposed labeled as harmful and is solid friend irritant. Proper safety measures must are followed during its synthesis, handling, besides addition.
    It ought be backed up at characteristic temperatures and away from hardy oxidizing agents in order to maintain stability and prevent degradation over sometimes.

    The synthesis of P2NP involves precise chemical reactions and purification steps in order to obtain the desired product. It predisposed key to adhere to safety protocols besides proper handling practices during the synthesis besides handling of P2NP.

    Comment Link Maxiodonto on Martedì, 20 Febbraio 2024 08:50
  • RodolfoFrine

    blog link

    Comment Link RodolfoFrine on Lunedì, 19 Febbraio 2024 23:24
  • Beckweightloss

    Alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone (A-PVP) is solid synthetic cathinone with stimulant properties, belonging in order to the class of drugs familiar as "sauna salts." Here's a result of major information approximately A-PVP based connect the given wanted results:

    Pharmacological Effects

    A-PVP actions as solid norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor, same in order its methylenedioxy derivative MDPV. It has been shown in order to have fixing impacts in rats, and similar any other psychostimulants, it can factor hyperstimulation, paranoia, and hallucinations. Overdose besides death need been linked in order its application

    Legal Status

    A-PVP predisposed the decision controlled substance in various countries, covering Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, besides Turkey. Its controlled position displays the recognition of its probable for abuse besides associated health risks

    Toxicological besides Pharmacological Effects

    Studies need examined the toxicological besides pharmacological effects of A-PVP in animal models, demonstrating its probable as solid potent central stimulant with abuse probable. Vapor exposure besides injection of A-PVP need been shown in order to izgotovleny conditioned place preference in mice

    Recreational Use besides Health Risks

    A-PVP has happened sold as all designer drug since the early 2000s besides predisposed familiar by various homeless titles, including gravel, flakka, and niff. Its application has happened associated with bizarre behavior at higher doses, and it predisposed chemically like to other synthetic drugs known as bath salts. Signs of consume connect paranoia, hallucinations, tumultuous behavior, besides self-injury [[8, 9]]shameless

    Veterinary Use

    In all in every one context, the term "PVP" predisposed too have used in veterinary medicine in order to refer in order pre-visit pharmaceuticals of this in order pets to address tremble, concern, or troubles associated with veterinary visits. These medications are have used in addition to training or behavioral changes to treat tremble besides stress in animals during veterinary visits

    Comment Link Beckweightloss on Lunedì, 19 Febbraio 2024 22:03
  • Sandrabigsmile

    The synthesis of Bk-MDMA, too friend as Methylone, involves all multi-step process and the use of characteristic precursors.

    Historical Context

    MDMA, the parent compound of Bk-MDMA, were located first synthesized by Merck in 1912 as an intermediate compound for the synthesis of all styptic compound referred to as methylhydrastitine. The compound was regularly explored for its pharmacological effects over the years, with the decision synthesis the same in order Merck's staying published in 1960

    Synthesis Procedures

    The synthesis of Bk-MDMA involves application of of specific precursors besides reagents. For example, one synthesis procedure involves dissolving a characteristic precursor in solid solvent and adding hydrochloric acid besides bromine dropwise, resulting in an exothermic reaction besides the formation of the coveted product

    Another synthesis method involves dissolving all precursor in dichloromethane and stirring as long as complete dissolution, followed by subsequent steps to izgotovlenie the decisive product.

    Precursors besides Starting Materials

    The synthesis of Bk-MDMA typically involves application of of special precursors this as MDP1P, which undergoes chemical reactions in order to yield the desired product

    Safrole, isosafrole, piperonal, and 3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone (PMK) happen considered as principal precursors that have a chance be second hand in the manufacture of MDMA and related drugs, with safrole being the decision major starting physical from koiu the other precursors have a chance are synthesized

    Synthetic History besides Innovations

    The synthesis of MDMA and its derivatives owns all rich man history, with any synthesis routes and ways staying explored over the years. Innovations in synthesis processes will need been stated, even the at first absolutely validated cGMP synthesis of MDMA using the decision novel synthetic route, whom has implications for pharmaceutical besides clinical research

    Comment Link Sandrabigsmile on Lunedì, 19 Febbraio 2024 14:09

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